NEW Attraction CPR Course

The exact steps to take so your spouse hits the "pause button" and stops running away. If your spouse hasn't hit the pause button yet, it means you've missed something (not your fault, most people don't know about this).

A complete marriage restoration course to help your spouse stop pulling away further, open up communication and create natural attraction again, so you can have the marriage and love your heart craves.

Your Instructor

Heather Choate & Marc Johnston
Heather Choate & Marc Johnston

International Marriage Experts, Marc Johnston and Heather Choate, help save marriages where one spouse is checked out of the relationship. Their proven step-by-step system is designed to help you reconnect with your spouse quickly and create the thriving marriage you crave. Whether you need to improve communication, restore trust, deepen intimacy or renew commitment, High Thrive Coaching will help you get there fast and guide you on how to make those changes last. Life is short and time is precious. Above all, you and your marriage are worth it!

Courses Included with Purchase

The P.A.T.H
A Step-By-Step Process to open up communication with your spouse so you get them to stop divorce and fall back in love with you.
Heather Choate & Marc Johnston
Rocket Reconnection Recipe
Thanks for joining the course and wanting to reconnect with your spouse!
Heather Choate & Marc Johnston
Rekindle Romance Generator
Thanks for joining the course and wanting to reconnect with your spouse!
Heather Choate & Marc Johnston

Original Price: $305

Frequently Asked Questions

What if My Spouse Has Already Filed for a Divorce?
While the situation becomes more difficult after a filing it doesn’t mean that it is the end. MANY of our clients are in the divorce process. It does however, mean that time is critical and you need all the tools available to help you patch this delicate situation. Even if your spouse has filed for divorce there is still hope if: -You have regular contact of any sort -You are still living in the same home or see each other at least several times a month
Does My Spouse Need to Take the Course With Me?
No. We actually recommend spouses go through the course on their own, even if they are wanting to do it together. The reason is, you need to take full responsibility for your part in the relationship and you can only do that on your own. For many of our students, their spouse would be unwilling to do the course anyway and asking them to do so will only push them further away. It is absolutely possible to save your marriage on your own. You can greatly alter the atmosphere of the relationship and in doing so, draw your partner back to you.
How Is This Different Than Counseling?
Traditional counseling meets once per week for 45 minutes up to 90 (if you’re lucky). We realize that if things aren’t going well in your marriage, the situation warrants more attention and more effort. We ALWAYS give actionable steps and detailed plans on how to fix just about any problem, and unlike traditional counseling, we have specific overarching plans on how to go from any problem to a thriving marriage.
What if My Spouse Twists Everything I Do Into Something Negative?
This is normal and expected. Making positive changes alone is NOT ENOUGH. It is critical you start doing it right away. You need to change the story your spouse has justifying their reasons for leaving with our proven Thriving Marriage Now method.

Get started now!